Woah! Cool website!
Thanks! I made it myself 🙂
I put this site together to facilitate a couple things.
- I needed a way to showcase some products I’ve been working on. They’ve become too popular too quickly. Which is a problem I never expected to have.
- Kinda part two of the above, I have a pretty unpredictable schedule. So I needed a way to let customers know the progress of their orders. I don’t intend to take forever to complete orders, but given the majority of what I am selling needs customized for each order, I needed a way to effectively communicate.
- There’s definitely a lot of neat stuff I do that could use an outlet. I don’t really mind if people check out the site or not, but at the very least it gives me a space to put my thoughts together and maintain an organized library of my projects.
- I’m certainly not a professional by any means, but web design has always been somewhat interesting to me.
Thanks for checking it out though!
Filed under: Just Chatting - @ April 26, 2024 3:15 am