Swag Canvassing
Being a radio amateur at heart, I among many other amateur radio operators like the concept of QSL cards. A QSL is an acknowledgement of receipt for a particular message. In our world, we use QSL to ask the person we’re talking with to confirm they received our communication – usually by way of customized post-cards sent via snail mail.
QSL cards like these are a really fun way to ‘play radio’. By sending (and receiving) cards to other operators you’ve spoken to over the airwaves, it’s like playing a really long-form game of Pokemon and trading cards with friends.
So I thought… what if there was something similar for Meshtastic? What if when you saw a new unique node, you could send them a trinket in the mail to confirm. And maybe they could send something back? One can dream.
But to help facilitate this idea, I have decided to embark on a canvassing project. How about I put this website URL into my node’s long name. Considering how much I travel for a living (at least 1 flight a week, sometimes as many as 4), I could send a sort of QSL card to all the nodes I see. I have a vinyl cutter, and making little stickers is pretty cheap. It’s also a nice way to sit down and just enjoy a coffee or listen to an audiobook. A fun little art project that gives back to this amazing community!
So that’s what I did. If you see my node and I see yours, you can get something in the mail to show for it! I’m not gonna send you my real amateur QSL card, I think I want to reserve those for other amateur-based contacts. Instead, I am making some decals, stickers, and perhaps 3D printed trinkets and gizmos to send if we make contact.
I am well aware this could blow up. And if it does, I will do what I can to get something sent to everyone. But obviously It will have to be first come first serve. At least until I run out of stuff/energy. Whichever comes first.
Filed under: Project - @ November 3, 2024 8:56 pm